Morning sickness is one of the first indicators that a woman is pregnant. In fact, it is likely that if a woman of childbearing age runs to the bathroom for no obvious reason and gets sick, the first thing most people will think is that she is pregnant. It makes a woman wonder why she ever wanted to get pregnant in the first place. Morning sickness can last all day, come any time of the day and is the subject of many theories regarding telling the sex of the baby, or how healthy the baby might be.
Mostly just to give it a reason for existing, and hope for the expectant mother that it will all be worth it in the end. No one really knows the exact reason for it, or even how to stop it, but there are several tricks that can help lessen the impact and help ease the agony until it hopefully goes away after the first trimester.
You can’t stop it but you can make it less nauseating
One of the hardest parts of having morning sickness is nausea that can strike suddenly and strong enough to make you feel like you never want to eat again. While it usually strikes first thing in the morning, thus the name, it can hit at any time and last all day. It may seem counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to lessen the nausea is by eating. If you don’t keep your stomach at least slightly full the feeling of hunger can exacerbate the feeling of nausea creating a viscous cycle. There is a theory that morning sickness is the mother’s body reminding her to eat regularly to make sure that the growing life inside her gets the proper nutrition to thrive. Small regular meals work the best and sometimes just a small snack of crackers and milk or a protein will work wonders in keeping nausea at bay. This might be one reason that it is recommended to expectant mothers to keep a pack of crackers on the night stand and eat them before getting out of bed in the morning.
Odd but sometimes effective
BioBands are also a fairly effective way to stave off nausea. The bands, used commonly for travel sickness are placed on the wrists and many women swear by them to stop the nausea of morning sickness. They work by pressing on a pressure point that has been proven to stop nausea. When you are suffering from morning sickness, you are most likely to try anything to relieve nausea and testimonials say they work. It’s not the weirdest thing to try, and it may just be the thing that makes it easier to deal with. Other nonconventional “cures” include jelly beans and lollipops. There is a line of lollipops specifically for the expectant mother trying to avoid morning sickness that can be purchased in most maternity and baby stores. The thinking is related to something to do with the sugar as often the morning sickness can hit hardest when the mother’s blood sugar plummets. Again, this also supports the thought that morning sickness is present in pregnancy to remind the mother that there is another life that depends on her.
What works for one may not work for you
The best thing to remember about morning sickness is that is temporary. It usually goes away after 15 weeks. There are a whole lot of suggestions and possible tips to ease the morning sickness, but that doesn’t mean they work for everyone. The best thing is to try different things until you find the one that works for you. And stay close to the toilet.